LSA 4 Mile Peninsula Race
It's this weekend, the 2nd LSA 4 Mile Peninsula Race. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help and if it's your first time, you're in for a treat, it's great craic!
Volunteers required, please sign up here if you are available.

Along with the main LSA Peninsula 4-Mile Race - this year we are hosting 3 kids's race (U8, U12, U16).
First race starts at 8.45am at this location - click here
Register your child here
€5 per child, payable on the day (cash only)

League Day 2 Tallaght Athletics Stadium May 7th - by Kelly Mulcahy
It’s hard to know where to start with the write up of Day 2 of the leagues in Tallaght. Not only did word spread across LSA as to what an amazing experience the leagues are and how worth it, it is to make the trip and enjoy the day out putting all the skills learned at training into practice. The word had also spread across all athletic clubs (they clearly must have read Kelly’s fantastic newsletter). The numbers were evident from when we arrived and Coach Taz’s party bus was rejected at the gates, not to worry though Coach Sarah had arrived before us and found an amazing spot under the fabulously clear, sunny sky for us to plant our LSA flags, picnics, deckchairs and picnic blankets for the day for all 19 of our athletes Yes 19 LSA juveniles arrived out to Tallaght and I know from watching their faces and listening to their stories, giggles and laughter throughout that they were full of excitement and really enjoyed what turned into quite a long day. We had 4 athletes from our 2014/15 age group, Kate Jones was back from our 2013 age group and finally got awarded her medal from league day 1 and her super Long Jump placing. We had two athletes from our 2012 age group, 7 from 2011, 3 from 2010 and 2 from 2009.
We barely had our flags in the ground and the sunscreen on and we already had athletes participating in Long Jump, Shot Putt, High Jump, Discus and running. On the day Dublin Athletics said they had over 150 races and field events. While this is phenomenal it made for a very long day with our young athletes hanging around for long periods between events, however they made great use of their time, running around, hanging out, forming new friendships with each other and other athletes, I heard stories of kids recognising each other from previous events or even from opposing NDSL soccer teams, another testament to the benefits of enjoying days like this.
Yet again it’s important to say these days cannot go ahead and athletes can’t participate without coaches or parents offering their time as officials on the day. Dublin Athletics was very lucky to have three LSA coaches give up their time for a long morning under the sun officiating for Discus, Shot Putt and Long Jump so a shout out to Tariq Hussain, Xavier Hubert and Sophie Matabaro. A shout out also to Sarah Scott Minto and Kelly Mulcahy who along with myself ensured that the athletes knew when their event was on as the timetable lost its way under the strain of the huge number of events and athletes on the day as well as managing to keep the athletes spirits up and motivated when they understandably began to feel a littler tired from the long waits.
A final note as to how amazing days like today are; we had a multitude of our athletes try a new event on the day and do our club proud from high jump to shot putt and long jump. Liam Handley who had a very quick Javelin throwing lesson the day before after Cross Country training with myself decided to join when we recognised he had a flare for this event and brought home a second place medal and tried discus for the first time ever on the day and brought home a silver home in this event also. Huge Congrats to Liam. Also a huge congrats to Mark Kelly who paced himself well and snuck into a fantastic and strong third place finish in the U13 600m finals.
League Day 3 is coming up on May 21st and unfortunately does clash with our own LSA 4 mile Road Race so keep an eye on information about this date if you are interested as we will as always need parents or coaches to officiate in order for athletes to participate and due to the clash this may be tricky. However there is a fourth league to be confirmed yet and the Dublin Championships are another opportunity to show of your skills beginning on May 28th in Tallaght again so chat to your friends about their experiences and verdict on the events, the day and talk to your coaches who can give you more information about these dates and events for your age groups.

Dublin Athletics Juvenile Championships
1. U9/U10/U11 Team & Relay Championships. Closing date Friday 19th May
2. U12-U19 Dublin Championships Day 1. Closing Date Sunday 21st May.
Entries must be paid in advance and are submitted by the Juvenile Competition Secretary (Louise)
Entries for the U9/10/11 Relays & Teams (Pairs) Championships can only be submitted by the Juvenile Competition Secretary.
⏳Parents -time is if the essence! Please RSVP on ClubZap Juveniles chat asap as coaches will have to decide on the pairs/teams and advise me before 9pm this Friday 19th May.

See the programme 👇 for Day 1 (events for U12-U19). Entry fee €5 per event.
Please discuss with your child’s coach if they are considering entering. If your child/teenager wishes to enter please contact me by 9pm Sunday 21st May to ensue that entries are submitted before the online closing date.
Remaining events for U16-U19 will be held on the new DSD AC track on the weekend of 9,10,11th June (and not Santry as previously advised)
The following will take place T Lucan AC & Tallaght AC on 4th & 17th June:
📌U10 500m
📌U11 600m
📌U12-U15 events not scheduled for Day 1
📌 Relays (U12-U19) take place 14th & 16th June at Lucan AC
Timetables and closing dates for for the remaining Days will be advised soon.
Louise Gilroy (Juvenile Competition Secretary)

Our Middle Distance Group having fun at Saturday Training

Junior Park run - Fintan at junior parkrun forgetting that he is not a junior parkrunner as he runs through the funnel. Don't forget that there is no junior parkrun this Sunday with the LSA peninsula kids races on.

Dublin Graded Meet 2 - by Enda Gavigan
Was held at Tallaght Athletic Club last week. A number of our athletes used the meet to get some more competition mileage under their belts, Anna Gavigan Discus and Eabha O’Farrell, Dara Carr and Xavi Hubert in the 200m.
The weather forecast promised a westerly breeze and frequent showers!!
Anna was first up but with the westerly tailwind it was never going to be a PB type of evening. She did manage to string a very nice set of 44m throws together to secure second place behind senior athlete Niamh Fogarty - and the rain held off!!
The sprinters, normally used to showcasing their speed at the start of a meet were not on stage until 9pm!!, a long wait for these thoroughbreds!!
When they eventually got under way the weather had by this stage become as impatient as they had and decided to get nasty and our poor sprinters were treated to a downpour!!, and when they came off the bend a howling gale in their faces down the straight ( 10kmph is a howling gale for a sprinter :))
Xavi posted a third place in his heat with 28.24, Eabha a very creditable 28.9 for second in her heat with Dara 6th in 30.4.
Well done to all for braving the conditions and getting out there! (Thankfully I was at an indoor school concert, phew!)
On Saturday, LSA’s Sinéad O’Farrell, who recently joined the competition group for our older juveniles/U20/U23/Seniors, was first female home in the Donabate Park run, knocking a chunk of time off her previous PB, in a time of 21:40. Well done Sinéad.
We have a very busy schedule looming with Anna and Eabha in field action this Saturday in the Leinster Schools in Tullamore , both hoping to advance to the National Schools in early June. Anna will then compete on Sunday at the Templemore May Throws festival.
Don’t forget the closing dates are fast approaching for Dublin Graded 3 in Lucan on 24th May, with Dublin Juvenile Championship Day 1 AND the Leinster Junior/Senior/Masters both on the weekend of 27/28 May.
As always, the club is required to provide officials for the juvenile competitions before we are allowed to enter athletes.
We know everyone is stretched at this time of the year, but if you see an opportunity to assist it would be greatly appreciated and no experience is required so all adults are eligible!!! Many thanks.

Eabha on the home straight with Dara in close attendance.

Xavi fighting a stiff breeze

Anna launches a neat 44m effort
Weekend training and Parkruns
Congrats to new member Sinead O'Farrell who was the first female home at parkrun last weekend

Fit for LIfe LSR

Morag and Aisling returning from their 13km run

Fit for LIfe Parkrunners

6.30 @ 6.30 Group are looking forward to summer runs. Best wishes to coaches Georgean and Ali for a speedy recovery from injury. See yee soon guys.

Intermediate Group
Well done to all our LSA parkrunners and volunteers this morning and a special congratulations to Cathal and Deirdre on posting new PBs! 👏

Advanced Interval Saturday Training - well done guys

Now for something different
Report from Eimear re the Ardgillan trail run
Myself and Derek did the Ardgillan trail/ run on Wednesday. Loads of hills muck and a paddle in the sea. It was my first IMRA run and finished first in the F40 category and Derek finished 9th in his category
Congrats Eimear and Derek and great teamwork

Club Calendar please click here to view.
To enter upcoming Championship Masters Events, please click here
Graded 3

Leinster Track and Field Championships
To see the schedule click here

- LSA Summer BBQ
FRIDAY 23rd JUNE | LSA BBQ | Beaverstown Golf Club | Tickets available here to purchase via the Club Shop on ClubZap
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morton Games - Click here for more information

Summer Camp is now open to the public, so pass it on to your friends and neigbhours.
To register one child click here
To register 2 children click here
For 3 children click here