Newbridge House Junior Parkrun
16/04/2023 | #11
The LSA flag was flown high as always at last weeks Newbridge House Junior Parkrun. We had 10 listed LSA participants and both First Male and female were Club members with Kate Jones coming first and Harry Fulham second. There were PB performances from both Harry Fulham and Tilly Hegarty. A huge thanks as always to the many LSA members who volunteered this week and regularly as without volunteers wonderful events like this can not take place.
A message from Junior parkrun
As you are aware Junior Parkrun is a free and voluntary activity, however there are some costs to keeping the event afloat. Consumables, replacement items from the kit and they would love to purchase a speaker to add a little music to warmup. To find out more about how you can donate visit HERE where you can donate using the orange button!

LSA Summer Camp is open for bookings...

Battle of Clontarf 10mile Road Race
What a day for the club when the Battle of Clontarf 10 mile Leinster championship results came in!!
Battle of Clontarf 10 mile Leinster Championships as follows:- Mens O35 - Bronze for Anthony Sharkey. Mens O45 - Gold for Shane O'Farrell. Mens O50 - 4th place for Pat Cussen. Mens O70 - Silver for Willie Cahill. Mens Club O35+ Silver for LSA with Anthony, Shane & Pat C. Anthony was on the Dublin county team who won overall. Shane was on the Dublin County team O35+ who also won their category and also Pat on the O50 Dublin team to win their category too. Congrats too to Les Brooks with a seasonal PB & Alex who ran a great race today too. Well done All. Proud day for LSA 💙💛💙 ...We are going to need a bigger trophy cabinet. Huge congratulations to all the participants who well and truly made sure everyone's eyes are on LSA to see what we can achieve!

Manchester Marathon 2023
Congratulations to Jonathan on smashing the Manchester Marathon last Sunday!
"Manchester Marathon 2023, mission complete ✅ Absolutely delighted with the day. Only my second marathon, the last was Rottherdam back in 2017 (well done to Alan Bates who ran there the weekend, fantastic result). It's tough work getting to the start line of a marathon but thankfully I made it. I got a very decent training block under my belt (shout out to Steven Rice for providing the master plan and providing expert advice and support throughout), few minor interruptions along the way and illness struck a week out from the start but thankfully got myself right. Conditions were perfect on the day, cool, overcast and only a gentle breeze. Definitely helped with executing the race plan. Thanks to my wife, Niamh, for her patience and support during my training block (no more 6am runs.....for a while anyway!) and thanks to all of the LSA tribe for the many comments of support and advice throughout. Time to rest and recover now 😊 "

Rottherdam Marathon 2023
Congratulations to Alan on smashing the Rotterdam Marathon on Sunday!
"Did the Rotterdam marathon last Sunday. Time was 3:47:24. Atmosphere was amazing, delighted with the result."

Ali's London Marathon Journey...
"London is THIS SUNDAY!!! Wow! How did that happen?
Not gonna lie, 3 weeks ago I thought I’d blown it……I was feeling stronger and fitter than ever and on my last long run BOOM! I was back down to earth with a bump and a pain in my calf that hurt to walk on! Cecelia had it under control and called Maureen to come and rescue us from the Brook. I’ve followed my physio instructions strictly since and my last couple of runs have felt great again and the Maranoia has been banished! Such a relief! It’s still going to hurt but 26.2 miles is going to hurt anyway so I’ll power through!
I’ve been reminded a lot lately how special this journey has been and how different my life is from just 3 years ago. I have struggled a bit with my head, I’ve gone from the girl who couldn’t run for a bus to being the girl who runs marathons! Suzanne provided me with a lovely reminder that began with ‘FFS Ali’.
Im getting really excited and I’m so thankful for all the LSA support that I’ve had these last few months and will have on the day, It brings me so much joy to know I’ll have Sarah, Siobhan and Ciara with me on the day!
Thank you to all the gang that have kept me company on long runs, you have no idea how much it’s meant to me 💙 Georgie, your singing and dancing has really kept me going!
Special thanks to our intermediate super coach Amanda! Your weekly sessions have been tough (and nearly made me throw up) but I’ve felt myself get stronger every week and I’ll know I’ll have you with me every step of the way on Sunday.
So that’s it, the hard runs are done and the rest of this week I’ll be taking it easy and might even wrap myself in bubble wrap!
See you on the other side! 💙"

Wishing Ali the very best of luck in London this Sunday.
Ali visited our Little Athletics training on Thursday evening and our junior members were shocked at the distance of a marathon and enjoyed wishing Ali best of luck. She has promised to return next week to show them her medal! After that members of our Fit4Life and 6.30 @6.30 group ran Ali's final run with her before she headed to London.
More information on Ali's marathon adventure and her fundraising details can be found HERE
To track Ali as she runs on Sunday download the 2023 TCS London Marathon App HERE

Great Ireland 10k
Huge congratulations to Anthony, Ian, Clare and Linda on flying the LSA flag at the Great Ireland 10k Sunday. Unfortunately for all the participants this race did not go to plan with a finish line distance of only 8.6km which is hugely disappointing for everyone after all their training. An interesting article on the race and what went wrong can be found HERE

Donabate Parkrun

08/04/2023 | #301
Our local Donabate parkrun was a significant event for the club on April 8th with both first male and first female to cross the finish line Conor Henry in a PB time of 17:12 and Sinead Kiernan in 21.43! Huge congratulations to both Conor & Sinead. We had 15 runners in total with PB performances from Conor Henry, Karen Molony, Claire Harte and Siobhan Rigney...Well done to everyone who participated and huge thanks to club volunteers Cathal Brady and Willie Cahill
15/04/2023 | #302
While many of our members were participating in Parkrun Tourism last weekend there was still an LSA contingent at the Donabate parkrun including our current C25k group who were doing their first 20 minute non-stop run! Huge congratulations to all our C25k group as this is a huge milestone within the C25k programme and you all smashed it!
There were 10 listed LSA Participants (Reminder: Could all C25k members ensure their club is listed as LSA on their parkrun profile) with PB performances from Clare Fitzpatrick, Sarah Roux and Maureen Gillespie, well done to all our participants and thanks to club volunteers Willie Cahill and Sinead Kealy.

Parkrun Tourism @ Father Collins Park
Last week 12 members travelled to Father Collins Park for some parkrun tourism. LSA truly left it's mark with Eimear Caulfield first lady to cross the finish line in an impressive 19:32. There were PB performances from Stephan Bueck and Ian Tiernan. Huge well done to all the participants.
Next Club Parkrun Tourism is planned for Malahide Parkrun 27th May.

LSA AGM took place at Beaverstown Golf Glub on Tuesday night. Thanks to Beaverstown golf club for the use of the room. The AGM saw the appointment of a new Chairperson as Dara stepped down from her role. Steven Rice will take on the role of Chairperson and Dara assures us she is going nowhere and will support Steven as Vice-chairperson as well as focus on club development. Jennifer Tanner also stepped down as Club Secretary with Lynda Drysdale taking on this role. Jennifer will now be the Adult Competitions Secretary with Louise Gilroy continuing as Juvenile Competition Secretary. Adrian Igoe will take on the role of Race & Events Officer, Ali Conway will continue her role as Child Welfare Officer, Heather Lloyd continues as Club Registrar and Amanda McAra continues to keep the finances in line in her role as Club Treasurer.


Newly Qualified Coaches
Fantastic news … we now have 3 new qualified coaches. Huge congratulations to Rebekka McGinn, Amy Costigan & Cliona O'Reilly who all completed their Athletics Ireland Endurance Running Course.


Following discussions at the AGM it has been suggested that all club notices and information is posted to the LSA Admin only adult grp and not duplicated on all the individual run groups. Can all adult members ensure they are on the LSA Admin only adult grp and if not contact Jennifer Tanner and she will add you. Going forward if you have anything you want to share in relation to the whole club PM our new club secretary Lynda and she will share the message on the group.
Volunteers Needed
Don't forget our 2nd Annual road race if fast approaching. The success of the event depends on club volunteers so if you are available on May 21st please contact Steven Rice or any of the race committee to volunteer. All help is really appreciated.

Exciting Baby News
Congratulations to Mark and Nicola on the birth of their beautiful baby boy Fintan.
Welcome to LSA Fintan!

LSA on Tour

And Finally....
If you have any news you would like to see in future newsletters, give me a shout on WhatsApp 0879583807, Kelly x