Our Little Athletics and Juveniles continue to train every Thursday night. Many of our age groups are full. If your child is interested in joining please contact club registrar Heather at lambaysportsathletics@gmail.com prior to arriving at training.

Newbridge House Junior Parkrun
Junior Parkrun continues to be very popular amongst our junior members . There were 7 listed LSA participants but we can see from photos there were many more...Please ensure all our junior members have LSA listed as their club on their Parkrun profile so we can keep track of all our participants! PB congratulations to members Cassian Corcoran, Caroline Brady, Oliver Cullen and Maria Sheridan. Special Shout out to James Keegan who has set a new course record of 8.27.
As always a massive thanks to all the volunteers this week. Without your help the event can not happen. If you are available any Sunday please support this wonderful parkrun by volunteering HERE

Coaches Training
Our Juvenile and Little Athletics coaches are continuing their Athletics Ireland Run, Jump and Throw training hosted by Lucan Harriers. Last Friday Juvenile coaches Taz, Ruth and Nicole and Little Athletics coaches Wala and Jane were expanding their High Jump and Javelin skills. Well done guys!

Thomas Ashe Dash - Lusk
A huge well done to all our athletes who took part in Sunday's Thomas Ashe Dash in Lusk. Congratulations to Mark Kelly on a first place in the U12 event.

Athletics Ireland have selected a team of 6 athletes to compete at the European Throwing Cup to be held in Leiria, Portugal on March 11th & 12th.
Our very own Anna Gavigan has been selected and will compete in Women's U23 Discus on Sunday March 12th in Leiria Portugal.
Massive congratulations Anna Gavigan and her coach Gerry Ronan. Wishing you the very best of Luck this weekend in Portugal Anna!

Relay Training
Our very dedicated Women Masters Relay team were in full swing practicing at the National Indoor Arena last night. Sarah Minto in the starting blocks is on her first leg with Eimear Caulfield doing leg2, Sophie Mataboro in Leg 3 and Dara Carr in final leg of the 4x200m. Wishing these wonderful inspiring athletes the very best of luck.

Donabate Parkrun
Great LSA turnout out at Saturday's Donabate Parkrun with 8 listed participants. Well Done all! A huge thanks to Cathal Brady for volunteering on Saturday!
LSA will be taking over the parkrun on Saturday 25th March.... Please complete the form on WhatsApp if you are free to volunteer as we need to fill the roster!!

Lusk 4 Mile
There was an amazing atmosphere in neighbouring Lusk on Sunday where 40 LSA members participated in the Lusk mile. Well done to everyone who participated and a huge congratulations to Anthony Sharkey who was first LSA member across the finish line in an impressive 20:43. A big thankyou to all the members who came out to support. There literally seemed to be LSA cheering on every corner.
A massive thankyou and congratulations Lusk Athletic Club on hosting another fantastic 4 mile road race. The atmosphere, wonderful pacing, marshals, goodie bags and fantastic spread after the race made it a truly enjoyable day, as always, for all the LSA participants.

A very warm LSA welcome our 28 strong brand new C25k Group that started on Monday. Wishing you every success on you c25k journey in the safe hands of our amazing and motivating coaches.

A new LSA Bundle of Joy
Huge congratulations to Mary and James on the birth of their beautiful Baby Girl Leah.
Welcome to the world Leah and welcome to the LSA family.

Reminder for our Social Committee

And Finally...
As always if there is anything at all you would like to see in future newsletters please contact me on WhatsApp 0879583807. Thanks Kelly x