Little Athletics and Juvenile Training
There will be NO regular Little Athletics or Juvenile Training this week Thursday 16th February as it is Mid-Term Break. However there is a mini-session planned for athletes competing at the indoor championships 25/26 Feb. This Session is up on Clubzap & will take place at the all weather pitches 7-8pm . This session is also open to our U9, 10 & 11 who are registered to compete.

Newbridge House Junior Parkrun
Another fantastic turn out from our Little Athletics and Juvenile members at last Saturdays Junior Parkrun. There are currently only 15 children that have LSA listed as their club on their parkrun profile. Please ensure all members have listed LSA as their club so we can track our weekly runners! Huge well done to all and a massive thanks to all the adult members who volunteered. Volunteer roster could do with a few more volunteers this week so if you are free please volunteer HERE

Attention Parents
Message from Louise Gilroy
Two items for your attention:
1️⃣ Entries have reopened for Juvenile Day 4 (middle distance) on Saturday 25th Feb. If your plans have changed and your child is available to take part on this day please DM me before midday Thursday 16th February.
2️⃣ Reminder⏰ Closing date for 4 x 200m Relay entries is this Thursday 16th Feb.
Relays take place on Sunday 26th Feb in the NIA.
If your child is available to participate on a relay team please
-Advise your child’s coach
-RSVP on one or both events on the JUVENILES chat on Club Zap.
Remember athletes can step up ONE age group to be part of a team provided that at least 2 members of the team are in the correct age group.
Day 3 of the Dublin Indoor Championships
Report by Sarah Minto
Day 3 of the Dublin Indoor Championships on 12th Feb was a very exciting and successful day for LSA. It was 60m sprint day for U9s-U14s and LSA had 9 athletes competing. It was an exceptionally busy event with 60, 70 or 80+ athletes competing in each race.
Daniel Minto, U14 and Lochlann Kealy, U10 ran brilliant heats. Devin Bates, U11, made it to the quarter finals. Max Linkiewicz, U9, Abigél Kealy, U10, and Kate Jones, U11, made it to the semi finals, while Sarah Jones, U9, and Mark Kelly, U13, both made the finals.

But it was Clodagh Goggins, U9, who became a Dublin 60m Champion, winning her final with room to spare. All our athletes competed with great spirit, and were a credit to the club all day. And all their parents volunteered their time as officials during the day, showing great commitment. Thanks and well done to all.

Donabate Parkrun
LSA was well represented at this weeks Parkrun with 9 members participating. Thanks also to members Cathal Brady, Ken Spratt & Nuala Freeman for volunteering. Can all members please ensure that they have LSA listed as their club on their parkrun profile!

Advanced Intervals
Our advanced intervals group where also out bright and early on Saturday morning warming up in Newbridge Park!

Donadea 50k
Huge congratulation to Dino Higgins for completing the Donadea 50k last weekend in an inspiring 3.53.52!
Thanks also to Paudie for keeping us up to date on all the action & the fantastic photographs!

IMRA - Trail Run, Howth
Huge congratulations also to Derek Jones who took on the epic trails of Howth Hill this weekend not for the faint hearted ... well done Derek!

Introducing the LSA Committee Members
As you are aware we have been trying to put faces to names over the past few weeks. This week its the turn of the LSA Committee members. The AGM for the club will take place on March 20th on Zoom and the committee is always open to fresh faces and new ideas...
Our Hardworking LSA Committee are:
Club Chairperson - Dara Carr
Club Secretary - Jennifer Tanner
Club Registrar - Heather Lloyd

Club Treasurer - Amanda McAra
Juvenile Competition Registrar - Louise Gilroy
Inclusion Officer - Sarah Roux

Club Child Welfare Officer - Ali Conway
Club Race Director - Steven Rice

Intermediate Group
A great turn out and super picture from our intermediate group on Tuesday night...even valentine's day couldn't stop them training...

Thursday Bootcamp with Suzanne
Thursday Night - Strength & Conditioning with Suzanne is on every Thursday evening from 7-8pm at the all weather pitches. This is free to all LSA adult members. If you want to be added to the Clubzap group give Ali a shout on whatsapp 0877513940!

Club Merchandise
The RW Sport Shop is currently open for Jackets, Gilet, qtr. Zip tops, t-shirts and hats. The hats and qtr. zip are available for immediate collection/delivery with the rest on preorder. The RW Sport shop will close on 27th February so place orders now HERE

Please Note: When the RW Sport Shop closes on February 27th the Malley Shop will reopen for 2 weeks for orders. The Malley shop will have vests, t-shirts, long sleeved tops, shorts, leggings, track tops, hoodies and bags.
Don't Forget...

LSA on Tour...

And Finally...
As always if there is anything at all you would like to see in future newsletters please contact me on WhatsApp 0879583807. Thanks Kelly x