Training for all our little Athletics and Juvenile members returns this Thursday 10th November at the All- Weather Hockey Pitches.
Saturday Cross Country Training
Saturday's cross-country group with Strength & Conditioning afterwards. Ruth is applying the learning from the Level 1 coaching course and introducing some S&C after the session👏.

Sunday Track & Field Training
Juvenile/Masters Track & Field competition group Report:-
Beautiful sunny Sunday at Turvey Nature reserve where Anna and Eabha were busy throwing Discus and hammer. To Newbridge straight after for our T&F Competition group who train under Gerry Ronan. Our Masters group trained alongside at Newbridge this morning with Coach Enda. Training is in full swing now preparing for next year's Indoor Track & Field season. Well done everyone.
NIA live starts November 24th where you can try out T&F events before the competition season. If you would like to become involved in the Masters T& F group please pm Dara or Enda Gavigan. The juvenile competition group is open to U13s who are willing to commit to competition. Please talk to your juvenile coach if you are interested.
ATTENTION: Parents of athletes born 2012 and older
Is your child available to take part in a race meeting in the NIA (National Indoor Arena Blanchardstown) on Thursday 24th November?
Athletes would need to be present at 4.45pm and all juvenile competition will finish at 7pm.
Our regular Thursday evening training will still go ahead as usual that evening - this is an alternative for those who would like to try competition.
4 x 200m relay.
Entry fee per event:
€7.50 for 60m
€5 per athlete on a relay team.
Please reply by Direct Message to Dara if you are interested/available. No commitment yet - we are trying to get an idea of the level of interest and availability.
However entries are limited so we need to know asap. We may be able to help you with car pooling etc depending on numbers.
For more info see competition no 657 (TRACK and FIELD LIVE) on entry.athleticsireland.ie
Track & Field Live on Thursday 24th November:
Juveniles (please contact Dara to discuss entry)
U12, U14, U16
4 x 200m
U12: 18.30
U14: 18.40 (almost full)
U16: 18.50
U17 -U19, Senior, Masters
60m 19.30
1 mile 20.00
800m 20.30
Please Note: Track & Field Live: free entry for spectators

Fit for Youth
NEW GROUP - Fit for Youth starting this Thursday, November 10th. It's €25 to join. Register with Heather on lambaysportsathletics@gmail.com

Date for Diary -
Come and try Pole Vault
Does your child want to try Pole Vault.
Lusk AC and Dublin Athletics are hosting a Come and Try Day for Pole Vault.
NIA Saturday 12th November.
10.00-11.30 Beginners session age 10+
11.30-13.30 For those who have vaulted before
Please PM Louise 0868327467
If you would like to attend do that we can advise the numbers to the organisers.
Coaches especially welcome

Meet our Amazing Coaches...
As the dust begins to settle on the incredible Dublin City Marathon experience for the entire club, we would like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all the amazing core coaching team who dedicate their time and effort not just to the marathon but all training throughout the year...
Fit for Life Coaches
Jennifer Tanner

"I started running at the age of 7 and represented my home area in the Dublin Community Games. I got the bug then. My Dad was my Coach and I learned alot from him. His father before him was a coach too so it's in the blood 🤣. In 2011 we set up LSA and I started coaching then as a juvenile coach until 2019 when I introduced the Adult running group with the very first Couch to 5k. It was magic and so inspirational"
Favourite race - I love the Christmas races like Jingle Bells and the New Years Day races. There's always a fantastic atmosphere but returning to the track last year for the 100m after 37 years was both thrilling and terrifying. Something I'll never forget.
Coaching motto - "Never give up, be consistent, you will get there".

A little inspiration for our Juveniles....
This photo which appeared in the National Newspapers in 1982 is our very own Jennifer after winning the under 14 Dublin Community Games 100m. In a weird coincidence while coaching the 2011 community games one of the athletes won the 100m U14 and Jennifer's name and the athletes mothers name were on the trophy, some 29 years later...This was a huge sign that gave the push to start LSA!! How Amazing is that!!!!!!
Alexandria Conway

Ali has been inspiring and coaching our Fit 4 Life Group since Feb 2021! Ali recently did the endurance running course and holds a diploma in Physical Fitness
Favourite Race - "is ours of course but running, I just love parkrun…..especially the coffee part!"
Coaching Motto - Run tall, run strong! Ali say that she has this motto going through her head a lot so if it looks like she's talking to myself it’s probably this!!!
Sarah Roux

Sarah has been volunteering & motivating the Fit4Life group for about a year and a half. Sarah says "It’s a good incentive to get me out the door!"
Favourite Race - "probably this year’s women’s mini marathon. Despite the rain we all had great fun. There was a lovely sense of camaraderie with the other LSA ladies and all the runners in general.
Running moto - "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch".
Intermediate Group Coaches
Amanda McAra

"I’ve been coaching with LSA for 11 years, started out as a Juvenile coach leading the fundamentals group. I switched over to adults 3 years ago and absolutely love it.
I am one very proud coach right now looking at the achievements from not just only last Sunday but all of the intermediate group who achieved goals this year, it gives me purpose to push on.
Coaching Motto - “If you can talk you’re not working hard enough!"
Fintan Counihan

I've been a coach in LSA for nearly 3 years. The club has grown incredibly since that time. The only positive of the pandemic is that it was our main recruiter!
Favourite Race - the 2021 Virtual Cork Marathon (aka 2 laps of Donabate and Portrane)! where I broke 3 hours for the first time. Shane O'Farrell ran the last half with me which was a huge help as well as Amanda and Heather on their bikes providing water and motivation!
Coaching Motto - "Never underestimate your own ability"
Advanced Group Coaches
Steven Rice

Steven Rice not only coaches our advanced group he has also been a juvenile coach since 2019. This year Steven was LSA Race Director for the club's inaugural race
Speaking about last month's Dublin City Marathon Steven said, "What was previously our “little” club has now stamped its mark well and truly on the running landscape of both our city and wider community."
Shane O'Farrell

"I'm Coaching about 7 years (started with the little kids; moved to seniors with the start of intervals about 2 years ago!)"
Favourite Race distance- "half marathon. Decent endurance test but doesn’t kill your running for months like the marathon."
Coaching Motto - "Consistency. Patience. Don’t chase the fitness, let it chase you."
A huge heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our wonderful coaches who give their time and energy so freely throughout the year. A huge thanks also to the members who frequently support, assist and fill in for our coaches to keep everyone's training on track.
Some Amazing & Inspiring News...
It is a very proud moment for the club as our very own coach fantastic Ali Conway has been selected as an ambassador for Slimming World at next year's London Marathon. Slimming World has a team of 15 runners & Ali is one of just two selected from Ireland!
Ali is a wonderful coach and continues to motivate & inspire our Fit4Life group week in and week out while also keeping her own fitness on track and even training and competing in this year's Dublin City Marathon.
Ali is a throughly deserving ambassador for slimming world. Not only has she lost weight, maintained her health and fitness, coached and mentored club members but she is also an inspiration for sharing her story to show that anything is possible through hard work and dedication.
LSA will be with Ali every step of the way and I look forward to sharing her inspirating journey of her London Marathon Adventure...Good Luck Ali, and keep us posted x

Important Reminders...
Don't Forget...LSA will be taking over the Donabate Parkrun on Saturday December 17th!!
Put the date in your diary NOW as we will need lots of help, volunteers, pacers & festive cheer on the day!

Prizes required for our Annual Christmas Raffle, if you are able to donabate a prize big or small, Please Contact Dara Carr.

Christmas Party Update
A message from our Social Committee
Hi all, since posting the provisional date for Christmas social we have received feedback that the date is not suiting as many as we would have liked. The social Committee have therefore decided to postpone 'til January in order to include as many as possible. We will advise new date asap.

And Finally...If you have anything at all you would like to feature in next week's newsletter, please send me a whatsapp at 0879583807. Thanks, Kelly