Thursday Training Continues...
Our Little Athletics and Juvenile Training continues to grow every Thursday at the All-Weather Hockey Pitches.
New volunteers always required and very welcome...support and training will be provided. If you can spare 1 hour every Thursday and want to join the fun of Little Athletics (6pm -7pm) or Juvenile Training (7pm - 8pm) please get in touch with Dara Carr for further details...
If you have a child looking to join, please contact club registrar Heather Lloyd at lambaysportsathletics@gmail.com prior to coming to training.

Cross Country
Message from Louise Gilroy
Juvenile Cross Country League 2 takes place in Tymon Park on Sunday 9th October. This is for athletes born in 2015 and older. The distances are slightly further than League 1, but the course is flatter. Course map will be posted when we have it. Entry fee is €3 per athlete. The first race will start at 11am. Please ask your coach at training on Thursday for more information and remember that there is Cross Country training on Saturdays for 2012s and older.

Junior Parkrun
As you are aware Donabate currently only have a 5k Parkrun in Newbridge Park. Aisling Hegarty from out Fit4Life group is looking at the possibility of setting up a Junior (2k) parkrun in Donabate. She requires a committee of approx. 12-15 members to get started. If anyone is interested in getting involved or wants further information, contact Aisling directly on 087 6382425.

Berlin Marathon
Reported by Louise Gilroy
All the LSA attention in the Berlin Marathon was on our own Leon Stafford. Huge Congratulations Leon!

But check this out-
Tigist Assefa won the Women’s race. In just her second ever marathon, she set a course record of 2:15:37, breaking the Ethiopian record in the process.
Third fastest time ever ✔️
World lead ✔
Ethiopian record ✔️
Course record ✔️
18-minute PB ✔️

...And you might have heard, Kenya’s Eliud Kipchoge 🇰🇪 sliced half a minute from his own world record to win the Men’s race, in a sensational 2:01:09 ✔️✔️✔️✔️

Donabate Parkrun
Super LSA turnout at this this week's Donabate Parkrun with 7 club members running. As always, a huge thanks to our members who volunteered Pat McCormack, Michael O'Dea & Cathal Brady & thanks Nuala Freeman for the photos.

Brendan's Running Club Naas Town 10k and 5k Run
LSA was well represented in Naas on Sunday in Brendan's Running Club 10km & 5km runs.
Yvonne Sweeny was first lady across the finish line in an outstanding 41:05. Hugh Congrats Yvonne.
Congratulations to Amy O'Neill who ran a suburb race to secure a PB and juvenile Mark Kelly who smashed the 5k race.

Adult Cross Country
Inter-club Cross Country relays are being held as part of the Autumn Open International Cross Country on Sunday October 16th @1pm. You can enter a team here

Cross Country Dates for the Diary...
Sun 9th Oct
-Juvenile League 2
-Novice Championships (adults)
Sun 16th October
- Juvenile Even Age Dublin Championships (ie Under 10, Under 12, Under 14 etc)
- Adults Open Championships & National Inter-Club Championships
Dublin Novice Cross Country Championships 2022
Sunday 09th October 2022, Tymon Park North (Hosted by Sportsworld RC)
Juvenile Races start at 11.00am.
Novice Women 4,000m 1.45pm
Any number to run – 4 to score
Novice Men 6,000m 2.15pm
Any number to run – First 4 to score
Entry Fees: €8.00 per individual (+registration fee)
Enter at https://www.myrunresults.com/events/dublin_juvenile_cross_country_league_2_and_novice_championship/4599/details Closing Date Thursday 6th October at 12.00 midnight
(Numbers can be collected at the start area near National Basketball Arena carpark)
Email:ronan@myrunresuults.com with queries
Qualification for Dublin Novice Championships
Novice athletes must be 19 years of age or over on the 31st December in the year of competition.
1 Any athlete who has not won an individual (1st, 2nd,3rd.) medal at Novice, Intermediate, or Senior Cross Country, at national, provincial or County Level, is eligible to compete in the Dublin Novice Cross Cross Country and Road championship.
2 Any athlete who has not won a 1st. Team medal at Dublin Novice Cross Country Championship, or a 1st team medal at Intermediate or Senior at national, provincial or County level is eligible to compete in the Dublin Novice Cross Country and Road Championship.
3 Any athlete who has not won a medal at Track Championship at 1500m or longer at National, Provincial or County level is eligible to compete in the Dublin Novice Cross Country and Road Championship.
Eligibility Rules:
1) Team Medals won in Road Championships do not affect eligibility to compete in Dublin Novice and Intermediate Cross Country Championships
2) Inter county gold team medals won in the Leinster Cross Country Championships do not affect eligibility to compete in Dublin Novice and Intermediate Cross Country Championships.
Good News
This week our Facebook Following hit 1k...
Make sure you are following on Facebook, Insta & Twitter to keep up to date on all that is going on in the club!

And Finally...
If you have anything at all you would like to appear in the Newsletter, send me a message on 0879583807!