Juvenile Cross Country League
The first three events in the Juvenile Cross Country League take place in Great Commons, Lusk on Sunday 18th September, starting at 11am. The other league dates are Sunday October 9th and Sunday December 11th.

Our Juvenile Training is re-commencing...
Saturday 2nd September 2.30pm Newbridge Demesne (2011 Athletes & Older)
Thursday 8th September 6pm Astro Pitch - Little Athletics / 7pm (2011 & Older)
Reminder- Meeting for all Juvenile Coaches this Thursday (Sept 1st) 7pm via Zoom
Junior Parkrun
Well done to James Rhein flying the LSA flag at this weeks Junior Parkrun @ Lusk Sports Hub.

Fairview Parkrun
Firstly, Huge Congratulation to Yvonne Sweeney who was first lady across the finish line in last week's Fairview Parkrun (20/08/2022) in an impressive 20:35PB. (Apologies for missing this in last weeks newsletter!)

Darndale Parkrun
Well done to Deborah and Ian who participated in this week's Darndale Parkrun. Deborah was guiding her friend Karen in the parkrun and also celebrating her sister's 50th Parkrun.

Donabate Parkrun
As always LSA was out in force at this weeks Donabate parkrun (even after the BBQ on Friday Night!!) This week we had 6 club runners (Can all members please make sure they have LSA as their club on their Parkrun profile...and Don't forget to bring your Barcode!) Parkrun could not operate without all the people who give their time to volunteer each week - thanks to Fintan Counihan & Pat McCormack for volunteering this week.

Larne Half Marathon
A Huge congratulations to Ian, Ciara & Fintan who completed the Antrim Coast's Larne Half Marathon on Sunday.

Longford Marathon
Congratulations to Superman Dino Higgins who completed his 118th Marathon On Sunday in Longford!
Dublin 10mile Road Race Championships
Congratulations to Eimear Caulfield and Shane O'Farrell for placing 2nd and Steven Rice for placing 3rd in the 10 miler for the Dublin Championships.

LSA Summer BBQ
Well done to our fabulous Social Committee Anne Prendiville, Ciara Wilson and Sue Gore on their amazing Summer BBQ held on Friday at Beaverstown Golf Club! An amazing night of food, music & dancing. The hard work really paid off and it was a fantastic night. Thanks to Jennifer Tanner for the 'Rubber Duck Awards'! Congrats to the winners...
1. Best finish to a race - Morag in the Man of War Race
2. Best stitch in a race - Amy O'Neill in the Inner City Runners 10k
3. Most convincing injury with actual blood - Amanda McAra running in Florida
4. Most potential to write a book on running - Pat McCormack
5. Best Steeple Chase hurdler - Eimear Caulfield in the ladies National league
6. Best photographer - Paudie's pic of Ciara Cullen floating in Newbridge carpark.
7. Best LSA on Tour Photo - Suzanne & Taz in Spain
8. Best Unicorn mascot running a Steeplechase - Ali Conway

Attention Marathon Runner.... A little Message from Jen...
"As yee are approaching the business end of your marathon training, please feel free to drop water at my house in the Burrow, Portrane. I've put a purple planter on the left gate in the shade for yee."

LSA on Tour

Finally .... A little bit of Strava Art!!
There has been some seriously creative 'Strava Art' appearing on Whatsapp this week...