This week the LSA was represented at Junior Park Run in both River Valley and Lusk.

Mark Kelly smashed the River Valley Parkrun in an outstanding 07:51 making him first across the finish line.
Up Coming Event
This weeks Lusk Junior Park Run is the last before the kids head back to school. Join them for a post race Teddy Bear Picnic in the Lusk Sports Hub on Sunday 28th August...Bring your favourite Teddy

Man O' War 7k
The LSA flag was flying high with 16 members participating in the Man O'War 7k hosted by Lusk AC on Thursday evening. Well done to all who took part and huge thanks to Nuala & Fintan for all the photos capturing the event.

Frank Duffy 10Mile
The Irish Life Frank Duffy 10Mile took place on Saturday 20th August in Phoenix Park. Huge well done to the 12 Club Members who participated as part of the Dublin Race Series 2022.

Donabate Parkrun
Saturday's Parkrun was well supported, as always by LSA with 18 members participating this week. Huge thanks to Ali Conway, Les Brooks, Nuala Freeman & Jennifer Tanner for volunteering. Massive Congratulations to Fintan Counihan on being first across the line in an outstanding 18:13PB.

Happy Birthday Willie
Wishing Willie Cahill a very happy 70th Birthday. Willie is definitely the top LSA Athlete for his age category! We can all only hope to be as healthy and active at his age as he is. Happy Birthday Willie you are an inspiration to us all.

LSA on Tour

Our wonderful Social Committee Anne Prendiville, Sue Gore & Ciara Wilson are busy making final preparations for the LSA Summer BBQ. If you haven't already got your tickets to the summer BBQ they are available on Clubzapp!

There is still a limited stock of RW Sports gear available to purchase here

Finally...Some food for thought from Gerry Ronan
Observations on the women's achievements at the European Championships
Winner of women's walk was 38, winner of women's discus was 32, bronze medallist in women's javelin was 41, winner of women's steeplechase was 32, winner of women's hammer was 32, winner of women's marathon was 31. Lots to be said for consistency and longevity.
BTW, winner of both women's walks was recently defunded by Greek athletics as they said she was too old to be competitive!